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Help Students Find Balance with Social Media

A social media literacy curriculum for middle and high school students that explores the impact of social media through the lens of STEM. The Social Balance helps students, teachers and families think critically, so they can leverage the benefits of social media while navigating risks and putting a premium on real-world, in-person relationships. The Social Balance strives to positively impact student relationships and school culture. 

Check out The Social Balance with Newsela!

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STep-by-step Curriculum

The curriculum features 12 activities and supporting videos. The first set of activities address social media triggers including dopamine, algorithms, fomo and doomscrolling. Next, the lessons move on to highlight ways to positively engage with social media such as self reflection, boundary setting, digital detoxes, fostering positivity and building a personal brand. 

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Parents from participating schools can watch the same topical videos shown in the classroom. Along with these videos, they receive discussion questions and tips for helping their child navigate social media at home. Districts can also opt into hosting parent evenings, where Skills21 provides in-depth insights and hands-on support.

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The Social Balance instructional resources are available to help guide teachers through the implementation of each classroom activity. These provide information on pacing, class set-up and activity extentions. 

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dedicated coaching

Schools participating in The Social Balance have access to a dedicated coach who will work closely with teachers throughout the process. Coaching supports are provided by email and online meetings. 

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